About Me

I'm not the typical Fitness nut.

I was active growing up but not healthy.
Does that make sense?

it never caught up to me until college.
A semester before I graduated, I got married.
But unlike other brides, I GAINED weight during my engagement.

I wish I could say that I recognized the problem and fixed it right away.

But I didn't.
It took awhile.
And I didn't really think about it until the Doctor's confirmed our suspicions.
We had infertility issues.

I tried.
Oh how I tried.
I started diets and exercising more.

I even ran a few 5k's.

But my efforts were not enough.
I was still overweight and couldn't have babies.

Mid 2009, we were able to get pregnant through In-Vitro Fertilization.
I quit my full-time job and concentrated on my health.

We had a beautiful pregnancy with no complications.
After our daughter was born,
I felt a fire light beneath me.

We had just had a baby.
I thought it was impossible.

And I what other "impossible" things I could do!
So this is my blog about challenging myself and making dreams come true!

Come with me as I achieve new goals and
balance life with my greatest Priority:
My Family